Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Personal Pledge

  As I reflected on the election results, I was saddened by the media coverage, Facebook posts and general outrage. It made me really think about how I wanted to live out my days on this earth. I came up with my own "personal pledge", but it is a work in progress. I'm sure I could add a lot more pledges to it as God directs.

So here goes...
  •  I pledge to look to God's Word daily for wisdom and discernment.
  • I pledge to pray for our nation, leaders and citizens daily.
  • I pledge to ask God to daily help me practice the freedom of speech by using self-control, by "keeping my tongue from evil and speaking lies" (Psalm 34:13), by listening before speaking.
  • I pledge to limit social media in my life, to be real with people, to communicate face-to-face and over the phone more than through texting and Facebook.
  • I pledge to listen to our leaders speak, then turn off the commentary so I can form my own opinion.
  • I pledge to do my best to get the news from an unbiased source and focus more on the good God is doing in the world. I will pray for those facing trouble, but not fear.
  • I pledge to point people to Christ as our King, God's goodness and mercy, his faithfulness and salvation rather than looking to our leaders as heroes or saviors.
  • I pledge to turn off the TV and devices and cut out distractions, so I can read good books to my children, be a better listener, snuggle with my family more, play more, admire God's world around me and eat better meals. 
Well, this is a good start. :)

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