Thursday, June 18, 2009

I těžké dny přinášejí "ovoce"

Musím se pochlubit co zase Amy uvařila včera na večeři. Bylo to fakt tak dobré, že se o to musím podělit. Prostě u Wilsonů "hambáče" moc nejedou (ale taky je jíme, nebojte:-)
Z obrázku asi poznáte co bylo na talíři, ale kdyby náhodou tak to byla krůtí sekaná zapečená se sýrem a rozmixovanou zeleninou, čerstvě nasbírané zelené lusky lehce osmahlé s vlašskými ořechy, bramborová kaše s bylinkami a česnekem. K tomu čerstvá paprika a okurek jako chutná ozdoba. Prostě SUPER! Nezávidím Vám na co teď myslíte:-)
Tak zase někdy..., Leoš

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Angel Baby Nora and On the Go Addy

I got to spend a special morning with my sweet angel baby Nora while Adela went with Leo, Papa and Grammy out on the canoe and to the park. I call Nora my sweet angel baby because she is amazingly easy to read and I can put her in her crib as soon as she is sleepy. She just smiles up at me, covers her eyes with one arm and sucks her thumb on the other. I usually stand there in awe that she could be so adorable and content. She can be fussy in the late afternoon or evening and likes to be held more, but for the most part she's, well, an angel! :) Here she is with her "lovey" and thumb.

Before Adela left to go out on the canoe, I asked her to send greetings to her friends, Monika and Kristina back in Brno! Ahoj, holky! Chybíte nám!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!!

On Wednesday, Dr. Frino announced that Nora's hip is now officially "normal!" So, we are shouting "Hip Hip Hooray!" She has to wear the brace at night and at naps (which I don't mind at all - I think it helps her sleep better since she can't roll around the bed in it). We thank the Lord for providing wise doctors who took perfect care of Nora. While we were waiting to see the orthopedic, we met another child that had to have the same brace. Her hip dysplasia wasn't discovered until she was 4 months old, so she had to be in a cast for 3 months and was wearing the brace to keep her hip in place. She was almost 2 and hated wearing the brace. So, we are especially grateful to her pediatrician, Dr. Winters, who first found that she had a "hip click" when she was just 5 days old. He immediately arranged an appointment with the orthopedic. I think I'll send him a carrot cake or cookies! :) Thanks to all of you who prayed for Nora.

This was Nora's last hip ultrasound. The technician, Klista, was so cheerful and always made us feel comfortable. Did you know that babies' hips are mostly cartilage at birth and slowly begin turning to bone around 3-6 months? Nora will have a follow-up appointment and x-ray of her hips when she is 6 months old. Dr. Sapp was Nora's first orthopedic and was excellent at carefully explaining everything we needed to know about hip dysplasia. He also has a 4 month old at home.

Nora without her brace! Look at that smile!

Look at me, brace free! :)