Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who is Math?

Tonight I was reading a book to Adela called Math on the Playground. She asked me, "Mommy, who is Math? Is it a boy or a girl?" :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Words that Challenge Me

"Ultimately, the key to competent parenthood is in being able to get behind the eyes of your child, seeing what he sees and feeling what he feels. When he is lonely, he needs your company. When he is defiant, he needs your help in controlling his impulses. When he is afraid, he needs the security of your embrace. When he is curious, he needs patient instruction. When he is happy, he needs to share his laughter and joy with those he loves.

Thus, the parent who intuitively comprehends his child's feelings is in a position to respond appropriately and meet the needs that are apparent. And at this point, raising healthy children BECOMES A HIGHLY DEVELOPED ART, requiring the greatest wisdom, patience, devotion and love that God has given to us. The Apostle Paul called the Christian life a 'reasonable service.' We parents would do well to apply that sane standard to the behavior of our children."
James Dobson in The Strong-Willed Child

This is a song Adela made up yesterday at the park. Notice how easily distracted she is!