Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nora Update

Thank you so much to all of you who are praying for Nora. I appreciate all your notes of encouragement. I've felt such a peace in the last few days not only about Nora's hips, but about other "obstacles" we are facing in our lives. I feel that God has a special plan for us and that I need to trust Him, be patient and continue to "work" hard at being the mom He has called me to be.

We had a good visit with the orthopedic yesterday. Nora's right hip is fine and the doctor isn't worried about it at all anymore. Her left hip has not changed but it has also not gotten worse. The doctor said this is a good sign. Keep praying that this brace will work.

1 comment:

Martin LaBar said...

Clearly, God is helping you.

Thanks for the update.