Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Bit of Travelling

I thought you might be really missing us by now, so I'm finally posting some pictures of our little sunshine (although she's been a little overcast with a cold that really gives her the grumpies!). We visited our dear friends in New Mexico the first week of February and were there for Leo and Adela's birthdays. This past week we visited family in Virginia Beach. We had a chance to go swimming and visit the Children's Museum.

A visit to the aquarium
The best oriental food at Pei Wei!

Saying goodbye to her buddies :(

A little windy and cold on the beach

This large hoop made giant bubbles with us in it. It had just popped and really surprised Addy!

Adela checked out who was in the pool everyday and wanted to go swimming all the time!

Adela singing "The Wheels on the Bus'


Martin LaBar said...

Those would have been serious bubbles!

Roger Eugene and Susan said...

We miss you all so much. The photos are wonderful, and we can see that Addy is no longer a little baby...keep enjoying her...Love to all. Nana Susan :)