Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Fourth Day of Advent

I know you are all just dying to hear how our Advent is going! :) We are having so much fun and it has been wonderful to have this short family time together. First we set out the tablecloth, candles and Bibles (English, Czech and Adela's Bible), then we light the one candle which represents hope. We read the short scripture verses, sing "Away in a Manger" and then pray together. Adela has gotten used to the short routine and seems to really enjoy helping me set up. Today our great friends Susan and Roger gave us this Nativity scene as a gift! It was wonderful to read the first poem about Gabriel and let Adela open the first box of 7 which had a figurine of Gabriel inside. All of this has given me a new sense of joy and love for Christmas that I didn't know I was even missing! I can truly say that it isn't about decorations or gifts, it's about celebrating the birth of Christ and looking forward to His return.


Roger Eugene and Susan said...

I knew when I purchased the nativity set that I was buying it for a very SPECIAL little person!! Merry CHRISTmas!!! Nana Susan

Roger Eugene and Susan said...

I knew when I purchased the nativity set that I was buying it for a very SPECIAL little person!! Merry CHRISTmas!!! Nana Susan