Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hats, Mommy, Bubbles, Socks and Cans

What do these things have in common? You guessed it! They are all things Adéla loves. She loves trying on new hats - even ones that are garbage pail lids! She gives me the best hugs ever and wakes up every morning saying, "Mommy, Mommy" with the happiest expression especially when she wakes up beside me! She's into bubbles. She tries to do it herself and gets a bit fiesty when you try to take show her how. Weve been doing a lot of cooking lately! (I'm experimenting with soups at the moment.) Addy is a great helper and loves to rearrange the cans and jars in the cabinet. She also loves trying to put on clothes. Here you see her wearing my socks! Her feet really aren't that big. :-)


Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! You've caught her precious expressions. Thanks for sharing her with us!!! Love to all, Nana Susan.

Martin LaBar said...

Ah, bubbles. Nice.