Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Waiting is such a lovely word. There is a world of patience or rather impatience enclosed in that word. I think of all the nice things in life we have to wait for - waiting for an answer to a job interview, waiting for a special phone call, waiting to meet Mr. Right, waiting for the wedding day, counting down the days until our child is born. And, that is just a few of the wonderful things we wait for. The best thing to do is cherish these times of waiting and know that God has a plan.

I went to the doctor today and I could be waiting a little longer, but there is an end in sight. I had a non-stress test of the baby's heartbeat and all is fine. I'm finally moving along in the dilation process and have had a few contractions. The baby's head is further down as well. BUT, if she doesn't come over the weekend, I will be induced on Monday, which happens to be my birthday. Wouldn't that be a nice birthday gift! Although I hope that she will come much sooner and on her own.

I will go on waiting and cherishing these final moments of pregnancy and look forward to meeting our baby girl. Thanks for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

I think you are very right, Amy. Waiting is the hard part sometimes and then it is something to be cherished even if we don't always realize it. Thanks.

Martin LaBar said...

Happy Birthday, either way!