Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas/ Veselé vánoce 2009
How many photos does it take to get just the right one of an almost 4 year old and a 10 month old? An awful lot! Here are just a few of the almost 50 we took. It was a lot of fun being silly together under the Christmas tree. I'm so thankful for my precious girls and awesome husband. These truly are special times. We have been playing Christmas music all the time and it warms my heart to hear Adela singing about our Savior's birth. We truly rejoice that we can share with our girls the true meaning of Christmas.
Friday, October 23, 2009
S'mores Anyone?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Little Peeper and Giant Bugs
We had a great time at the Natural Science Center with some good friends. Elise, Emily and Adela had lots of fun chasing each other through the zoo and play area. We sure miss having Hope, Emily and Elijah around!
Hope with Nora and Elijah. They are only one day apart in age! Nora has a few pounds and maybe an inch on Elijah though. :)
Addy gone buggy
Phillip and Elise as bugs
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Day Trip to Charlotte
Monday, October 19, 2009
8 Months Old Today
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A few good pictures
The closest we'll get to Disney World anytime soon :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Who is Math?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Words that Challenge Me
Thus, the parent who intuitively comprehends his child's feelings is in a position to respond appropriately and meet the needs that are apparent. And at this point, raising healthy children BECOMES A HIGHLY DEVELOPED ART, requiring the greatest wisdom, patience, devotion and love that God has given to us. The Apostle Paul called the Christian life a 'reasonable service.' We parents would do well to apply that sane standard to the behavior of our children."
James Dobson in The Strong-Willed Child
This is a song Adela made up yesterday at the park. Notice how easily distracted she is!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I těžké dny přinášejí "ovoce"
Z obrázku asi poznáte co bylo na talíři, ale kdyby náhodou tak to byla krůtí sekaná zapečená se sýrem a rozmixovanou zeleninou, čerstvě nasbírané zelené lusky lehce osmahlé s vlašskými ořechy, bramborová kaše s bylinkami a česnekem. K tomu čerstvá paprika a okurek jako chutná ozdoba. Prostě SUPER! Nezávidím Vám na co teď myslíte:-)
Tak zase někdy..., Leoš
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Angel Baby Nora and On the Go Addy
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hip Hip Hooray!!
This was Nora's last hip ultrasound. The technician, Klista, was so cheerful and always made us feel comfortable. Did you know that babies' hips are mostly cartilage at birth and slowly begin turning to bone around 3-6 months? Nora will have a follow-up appointment and x-ray of her hips when she is 6 months old. Dr. Sapp was Nora's first orthopedic and was excellent at carefully explaining everything we needed to know about hip dysplasia. He also has a 4 month old at home.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Už mluvím!
Kdybyste nevěděli co říkám, tak se zeptejte mojí sestřenice Esterky. Ta vám to určitě poví. :) Kdyby ani Esterka nepomohla s překladem, tak vězte že Norinka přála babičce brzské uzdravení a ŠŤASTNÉ NAROZENINY!
In case you don't understand what I'm saying, just ask my cousin Ester. She can tell you. (Ester is Nora and Adéla's cousin who will turn 1 in June. Check out their blog on the right: Havleni. It's all in Czech, but you can enjoy the pictures! :)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Passing of Time
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Nora Update 3
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thumb Sucking
For now I think I'll take the advice of the authers of "What to Expect The First Year." Here is what they say about thumb sucking: "It isn't easy being a baby. Every time you latch on to something that gives you the comfort and satisfaction you're searching for, somebody wants to take it away from you...stop worrying and start letting your baby indulge himself." Of course though, "if you yourself are disturbed by the thumb sucking because of prior programming, try to psych yourself out of it. If that doesn't work, you might want to substitute a pacifier for your baby's thumb temporarily - assuming you don't also have an aversion to that. But, of course, that will leave you with a new habit to break."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Progress and Pancakes
I'm really happy to tell you that Nora's hip has improved! Praise the Lord! Thank you for all your prayers and keep praying! We go back in 2 weeks - May 6th. If this brace continues to work then Nora won't need a cast. I've heard so many stories from different friends who had hip dysplasia or knew someone in their family who had it. It's quite common and so far Nora's been quite fortunate. Some kids have braces, harnesses or casts for a year or more.
2 cups all-purpose flour (or 1 cup whole wheat/1 cup all-purpose)
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom (or cinnamon)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups buttermilk (you can use 2 Tbsp. vinegar added to 2 cups regular milk)
2 Tbsp. canola oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 small firm banana, finely chopped
2. Pour batter by 1/4 cupfuls onto a hot griddle coated with cooking spray. Turn when bubbles form on top; cook until second side is golden brown.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Nora Update
We had a good visit with the orthopedic yesterday. Nora's right hip is fine and the doctor isn't worried about it at all anymore. Her left hip has not changed but it has also not gotten worse. The doctor said this is a good sign. Keep praying that this brace will work.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Seven Weeks with Nora
Nora in her "hip" harness
She's starting to notice her surrounding and gives us smiles. At Nora's first pediatrician's visit, the doctor found a very obvious "click" in her left hip. I had heard of this because all babies are routinely checked for hip dysplasia by ultrasound in the Czech Republic. Adela was checked at about 6 weeks of age and was fine. So, when Nora was 2 weeks old we were sent to Brenner Children's hospital in Winston for a hip ultrasound and then a visit with the orthopedist. They told us that she has "hip dysplasia" which occurs in about 4 out of 1000 births. It basically means her hips were dislocated at birth. The doctor fitted Nora with a special harness called the Wheaton-Pavlik harness. You can see a picture of it here and read more about it if you are interested. She wore this for 4 weeks and we just returned from her 3rd visit to the orthopedist yesterday. This is a picture of her above in the Pavlik harness. The right hip responded well to the harness and will basically be alright. But, her left hip is being quite stubborn. It is pretty much completely out of the socket and could possibly need surgery and a cast. We received a new type of brace for her as well. This one is more rigid and fits over her diaper. We can bathe and change her now. I actually preferred the harness because I feel terrible taking this brace on and off her. It just looks uncomfortable. The doctor said that we will try this one for about 3 weeks and then discuss the next step.
We praise the Lord that this was discovered so early. I can't imagine how hard it must be to do this with a child who is already walking for example. Please pray that this brace will work and that Nora will not need surgery or a cast. I trust the Lord has this in His hands and His will would be done. We'd really appreciate your prayers for Nora and that the doctor would be correct in his diagnosis.