Tuesday, January 12, 2021

In Defense of my Friend

 Why do you judge a man you do not know?

The man I am about to tell you about is a friend of mine. I have not met him personally, but I care about him and his family. Over the last four years, I pledged to myself to stop listening to what others said about him and decided to learn more about him. Before 2016, I only knew what I read about him and what others said. I am sad to say that I was a part of judging him. I looked at his past sins and thought that was who he is today. I did not think that maybe my friend was on a path of growing spiritually. I stopped listening to what the media and others said about my friend. I received his official letters from his new home and realized that this man must never sleep! He was signing official documents, meeting people hourly, listening to what people wanted and making good changes. My friend truly loves the American people and our children.

When I turned on the news, you never heard any of this. It was like watching a soap opera of sound bites, misinterpreted quotes, slander and gossip. When I listened to whole speeches, I could see that my friend loved to use sarcasm and was proud of his accomplishments. Without understanding and knowing my friend I could see that people would view him as arrogant, self-centered and proud.

Go back to November 3rd. The day after my friend’s election was disappointing. I did not understand why Americans and my fellow believers did not see all the good that this man was doing. I began to pray and seek out more information to understand. I looked at many different angles and truly started listening to people who loved and supported my friend. I even looked as best as I could what other nations thought of him - not the nation's leaders' opinion, the opinion of their people. I listened to his very close friends who had even gone to prison for standing by his side. I listened to lawyers who gave up everything, everything – reputation, money, and even their personal safety to prove that my friend’s election was infested with fraud. From that time on, I began to dig even deeper and began listening to even more people that I felt like the Lord led me to. One man started a daily prayer that not only prayed for my friend but for our wonderful country. Every day my eyes were opened more.

In the last 6 days, the hate for my friend has grown so strong that I have heard believers publicly say and or write that he is deranged, not fit for office – even that he is like a cancerous tumor that needs to surgically removed. When his invited friends came on January 6th to meet him at his home to peacefully rally in support of him and their desire to see a real investigation done into election fraud, he met them on the front lawn. He intentionally came very late so that his friends would not be harmed when he had been alerted that Antifa members disguised as his friends would be entering the Capitol. He had to ramble and keep repeating everything he had already been saying about election fraud so that his audience would linger longer. Sadly, some innocent friends of his were not only swept up into the chaos of visiting the Capitol, they were even deceived by some to think they were invited in. Some friends even shared a picture of a supporter posing with a statue of one of our founding fathers. Many of friend’s supporters really did not think they were doing anything wrong since the Capitol is for the American people.

If you have judged my friend by listening to what others have said and have not taken the time to truly get to know him, I would like to invite you to do that today. First, pray that your heart would be open to the truth. Pray that your eyes would be open to the lies that have been spoken about him. Search your heart and ask the Lord to take the speck out of your own eye, before you point at the plank in his.

In the coming days, you are going to learn that for over 4 years, my friend has been back stabbed hundreds of times by people that America has trusted. You will learn that my friend has known about the treasonous activities done by government officials that have called for unity while secretly lining their pockets with evil profits. He has had to wait and wait and wait for the right time for truth to be unveiled. One day, you will understand the whole picture and you will see that what you thought was pride and arrogance was actually disgust for evil that my friend was not at liberty to reveal yet.

Without a shadow of doubt, I tell you that we are in a spiritual battle for the soul of America. Ask our wonderful loving father to first have mercy on us. Search your heart and ask God to reveal any sin in your own life and ask for forgiveness. There will soon be days ahead that you will be needed to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to many. You will be needed to be a voice of calm, comfort and understanding.

Lastly, so that you do not think my words are empty without giving you the works to show that faith was in action, I am posting a link to show some good things my friend has done. If you continue to read more of these documents and decide to search out truth and not lies for yourself, I will be very happy.

Please do not comment on my blog. I am not asking for a response. If you want to call me personally, I will be ready to answer. Send me a message and or call and I will do my best to respond. If you would like to cast doubt or throw stones, please wait one week before casting judgement on my words. Throw all the stones you want after January 20th.

I love you all very dearly - my fellow believing American friends. I write this to you out of great love and a desire for us to work together to share the gospel with as many who will listen.

EDIT: January 13, 2021

I realized this morning that it is past time to show any proof or articles for the great work my friend has done because the divide is so great. If you have followed main stream media especially, then you have been lied to and quite frankly brainwashed to agree with the narrative they have presented. If you have hate or animosity in your heart for my friend, I ask that you please ask the Lord to reveal to you His truth.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Personal Pledge

  As I reflected on the election results, I was saddened by the media coverage, Facebook posts and general outrage. It made me really think about how I wanted to live out my days on this earth. I came up with my own "personal pledge", but it is a work in progress. I'm sure I could add a lot more pledges to it as God directs.

So here goes...
  •  I pledge to look to God's Word daily for wisdom and discernment.
  • I pledge to pray for our nation, leaders and citizens daily.
  • I pledge to ask God to daily help me practice the freedom of speech by using self-control, by "keeping my tongue from evil and speaking lies" (Psalm 34:13), by listening before speaking.
  • I pledge to limit social media in my life, to be real with people, to communicate face-to-face and over the phone more than through texting and Facebook.
  • I pledge to listen to our leaders speak, then turn off the commentary so I can form my own opinion.
  • I pledge to do my best to get the news from an unbiased source and focus more on the good God is doing in the world. I will pray for those facing trouble, but not fear.
  • I pledge to point people to Christ as our King, God's goodness and mercy, his faithfulness and salvation rather than looking to our leaders as heroes or saviors.
  • I pledge to turn off the TV and devices and cut out distractions, so I can read good books to my children, be a better listener, snuggle with my family more, play more, admire God's world around me and eat better meals. 
Well, this is a good start. :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Why I Love Homeschooling

It's nearly 9 o'clock and all my girls are together in the kitchen and dining room. Nora and Karina together made their own homemade pancakes and even cracked the eggs. :) Leona is enjoying pancakes, peas and corn in her high chair and cutely swaying to Scripture songs by Seeds Family Worship. Adela is helping Karina learn how to flip pancakes on the griddle. Karina's job is to put the chocolate chips on each pancake. Nora is happily doing some artwork. The Bible is open on the table as we are reading John 6 for our Bible study. It is true it is sometimes easy to lose perspective. When I was Adela's age, I would have already been at school over an hour and been sitting at a desk in a classroom. I'm learning that this is "school" too. Life school. And we get to do it all together. We learn how to get along, take turns, practice patience a lot, and work out a thousand other character traits. God is good and faithful and I am blessed to have four girls to raise to love and follow him. Oh, and yes, we will do some "schoolwork" after breakfast. :)
(I would post a picture, but I am technologically challenged as all the pictures are on Leo's smart phone and I can't get to them!)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Life With a Newborn


Having a newborn makes you slow down and enjoy life. It's a beautiful thing just to hold Leona while she sleeps on my chest peacefully. It took some walking and bouncing to get her settled peacefully, but it was worth it! I thank God for this precious gift He has given us and I am determined to enjoy every minute of it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Glorious Mess

That's what my days feel like lately...a glorious mess. Now that I have cleaned up tiny rubber bands from Adela's bracelet loom that were scattered all over the floor by sweet Karina, oatmeal spilled on the floor, breakfast dishes and a pile of books, I decided to take a few minutes to blog. This is for my faithful friend, Andrea, who was happy to see I wrote a post finally! Karina is napping and my father graciously took Adela and Nora out for lunch. As you can see a review of 2013 probably won't happen, but maybe there will be a monthly post at least!

It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday. Karina and I came down with colds on Friday and that always feels like a set back. It's cold and dreary these days and trying to get my girls to settle down to do a little "schoolwork" seems impossible. I love the blessing of homeschooling and knowing that I am able to teach my children about living for Christ everyday, choose the curriculum that I feel is best for their education, train them to love each other and treat each other respectfully and giving them time to just enjoy being kids through play. That all sounds grand, doesn't it? Honestly, I am finding that applying what I have read and learned through Scripture to our daily lives is a real challenge. Why doesn't Scripture just burst from my heart and mouth when I am teaching the girls how to resolve a conflict?  My biggest prayer these days is, "Lord, please help me to be calm and not
respond in anger or frustration."

Steven Curtis Chapman's newest cd, The Glorious Unfolding, has been a huge encouragement to me these last few days. When I hold on and cling to the truth that God has a plan and purpose in my life exactly where I am now, I can get through the day to day "mess." I want to be His servant. When I show love to my girls, I am investing in their future. When I train them to love the Lord and each other, they will one day understand fully what it means to serve God and others. The devil tells me daily that I am a failure, but I am choosing to listen to my heavenly Father who promises to "pour out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:5

Karina just woke up, so let the "glorious mess" continue! :)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's been awhile...

Okay, I'll admit it. Having 3 young children has just a wee bit overwhelmed me. I am definitely outnumbered. So, that has meant taking a step back and letting go - of. a. lot. of. things. As you can see, blogging had to go. BUT, a new year is about to begin and Karina is slowly getting out of the "has to be watched every second" phase of her life, so I thought it's time to write again. So, stay tuned for our review of 2013!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back in the Czech Republic

First night in Czech with cousin Ester and a dinner of "parky v rohliku" hot dogs and bread

Three little monkeys getting a bath!

The angel (Olga from Prague) my dad had prayed would come along to help us :)
She entertained Adela the whole flight, kept her from falling asleep at landing and then helped us get our luggage and to the arrival hall! What a blessing she was to us.

Nora's first flight

We have been in Czech Republic for a week now! Time is flying and everyday brings a new adventure. We spent our first four days in Lipová u Prostějova where Leo's mom and brother and family live. It was great to eat Babička's great cooking and spend time with everyone. We even got to see Ester at her preschool final dance program and a competition with firefighters and junior firefighters. It's something like Olympics for firefighters! Everyone from the villlage comes out and they have stands with cotton candy, hot dogs/sausages, slushies, etc. We arrived in Brno on Sunday and have been visiting with friends everyday! Tonight I took the girls downtown to meet a dear friend, Hana. She has an apartment directly downtown (I've always thought it would be neat to live downtown!) so we got to see that and had dinner at an outdoor restaurant. The girls couldn't sit still but we finally did get them to eat something! We had spent the whole afternoon with friends and visiting a nearby park, so the girls were pretty tuckered out by the time I got them to bed at 9:30! We are looking forward to Leo joining us on Sunday!

The biggest "Hav Hap" of the day was when the girls crawled under a new modern "monument" which was supposed to look like 3 lightbulbs (okay, so it wasn't a good idea and I wasn't thinking when they did this). Well, there was a something like a square glass light fixture in the cement under the monument and the girls were on top of this when it fell in! You can imagine the shock and reaction. Nora cried for a good 5 minutes "Boken, boken (broken)." It had just fallen in and had not broken the glass, which I was very thankful for. Now I've have to be a lot more careful and no more climbing on or under anything! :)

I added pictures in the slideshow to the right. I hope to add more pictures later.